Saturday, March 31, 2007

Butterflies in my Tummy

Yeah, it's minor surgery, probably pretty routine, but still, there's always that thought that you just might not make it. I know I had the thought, along with hearing stories of someone who knows someone who knows someone who died getting there tonsils out. My boss even had me write down all of my passwords in case something happened to me. Yeah, talk about scary.

However, the night before the surgery, I was pretty calm, I cuddled up with my girlfriend all night long and she even said a prayer before we went to sleep. It was nice to have her be here for me.

I woke up in the morning, the appointment was as 9am, so we got around, i tried to bribe Micci into letting me have some food and water, but of course she said no. I made a few calls, sent a few text messages and was off to the surgical center. We got there, and we're waiting in line and little old lady tried to snake her way in front of me, it was very nice and the lady at the counter was like, this gentlemen was ahead of you. Crazy old ladies, I tell you.

Then it was off to the waiting room, filled out a few forms, the butterflies were pretty intense at this point, but Micci was there holding my hand.

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