Friday, March 30, 2007

Where it all started

So, Im not much of a blogger but I thought I would make this one specially for my Tonsil Problems and to help maybe educate others looking for some information on Tonsillectomy's.

Ok, when I was a little boy, it never failed, i think every year i developed a case of strep throat and every year the doctor would say, maybe next year we'll remove those tonsils. Well it never happened. I just kept getting strep throat and just kept fighting through them. After the age of like 16, i never got strep again, until this year, when I'm now 27 years old. Starting in January 2007 I got a horrible sore throat and finally went to an ENT to have it checked out, he assumed it was Strep, gave me some anti-botics and i was off, and feeling much better. End of January came and I got another sore throat, just took some over the counter medicine and it got better. Then IN Feburary I got another one, went in, got a strep test and a mono test and they both came back negative. The doctor gave me some Anti-botics or what I like to refer to as horse pills because there so freaking big. After about a week I was feeling better and finally made the decision to get my tonsils out. Now I've been worned about how tough it can be as an adult to have your tonsils out, but i decided it was finally time.

So, I began my journey of getting my tonsils out and this will be a day by day blog of the processs and what i've gone through.

About me:

Name: Jazz
Age: 27 years old
Occupation: IT Guy

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