Saturday, March 31, 2007

Tonsillectomy - Day 1

Ok, I went into this little room and the nurse took my blood pressure, listened to my heart, and gave me my little gown to put on. So, Micci helped me get into the gown, tied it all up for me, and we just waited for the next person to come. It was the anesthesiologist and he had me answer a bunch of questions, put in my IV and wouldn’t believe me that I don’t get motion sickness, seriously, Seriously??? Ok, after him, the Nurse anesthetist came in, re-assured me everything would be fine and then the Dr. Nielsen stopped in and said hi. After that, I had to say my goodbyes to Micci, gave her a big kiss and walked off to the operating room. At that point, the nurse was joking with me about "my wife", which I told her we were only boyfriend/girlfriend, and she laughed and said we looked like a married couple, of course that made me smile!

Now that I'm in the operating room, they had me lay on the table, strapped me in, put a blanket over me, and gave me some pure oxygen to breathe through a mask. At that point the nurse said they would give me a sedative and shortly, i would be knocked out. I was waiting for them to ask me to count backwards, and well the next thing I know, is I’m being woken up in a different room. What, the surgery was over all already? Wow, that was quick!

So now i'm in this haze like state, looking all over the room, hoping maybe to see Micci. The nurse asked if I had a pain, and she gaved me some demerol and of course I was feeling great. I knew I just had my tonsils out, but it certainly didnt feel that way. The nurse's kept checking on me, told me to take deep breathes and to relax. After about 15 minutes, she gave me some sprite and a green popicle.

Finally after about like an hour, they wheeled me back to the first room i started in and in walked Micci finally. It was such a relief to see her and her smile! At that point I still had my IV in and had to have the nurse put the bag through my t-shirt so i could put it back on. Micci helped me get the rest of my clothes on and and we were off to the 3rd recovery room. I sat down in a nice recliner, put my feet up and just relaxed there for awhile. I also had Micci call my mom and dad and sister to let them know I was ok.

The nurse came over and gave us all the do's and don'ts, and finally wheeled me out to Micci's car and I was off to go home and rest!

My day was finally over, I had made it, my tonsils are gone, and I have the best girlfriend in the whole world.


ruralvet said...

lucky you.
i'm having my tonsils removed too.

TechMom said...

My son has tonsil stones and the docs have done strep and mono tests MANY times and prescribed antibiotics MANY times. Not a single one of them knew anything about tonsil stones but we're finally going to have his tonsils taken out after researching the topic ourselves. He's 17. Thanks for sharing your experience. I'll have our son read it too. Again thanks.